Screen printing: making my book cover

For my current ‘Fiction’ project I want to have my final piece as a book, and with this book I want t make a fabric book cover. This is because my project is about paganism, in particular my mum’s connections to it, and I personally picture paganism as an ancient and traditional practice, hence why I wanted to use traditional materials such as medium format and a fabric cover. With this in mind I thought it would be best to screen print one of my landscape images, therefore I chose this one:

izzy screen print scan.jpg

I decided on this image as it has enough negative space to put a title in, whilst still sticking to my pagan theme; with the dark, silhouetted trees connoting elements of stereotypical ‘witchy’ tones, almost similar to an old horror movie.

Before starting the screen printing process you need to print your image onto tracing paper so that the light can penetrate the clear areas and transfer the image successfully onto the screen. After I did this I test printed my image onto some scrap newsprint to make sure the screen had worked and the image was coming out how i wanted it to. Luckily for me the screen was successful and I was able to print onto my fabric almost immediately. After many test prints onto some spare fabric I was able to print my final book cover. Along this process I found that it is a lot harder to print on to fabric as it is a lot more coarse and rough so the ink does not take as well. However, this was easily navigated by just elongating the process to around 4 prints onto the same fabric and image rather than the usual 1 it takes when printing onto paper. Below I have attached an image of my finished book cover:
