Making my own business cards

Today I decided it’s probably about time I made my own business cards after many lectures talking about the importance of having them in the professional world. Business cards should be used as mini portfolios, something with your information and images on to help sell you to future clients. The sort of details your business card should include are:
-Your occupation (e.g photography)
- an email address, preferably your professional one
- email address- this is so clients can get in touch with you
- website
-social media- only if it is appropriate

When making my own business cards I decided to use the website called ‘Moo’ as I had heard from my peers that it was easy to use and looked professional, both of which are important to me as a student making my first ever business cards- I also had a 25% discount from one of my classmates who made theirs via this website!!

When setting out to make your business card you can choose from a range of templates, whether they be already made ones that you adapt and design to suit you or one completely designed by yourself.

Screen Shot 2019-01-21 at 13.29.44.png

As you can see all these designs are very sleek and stylish, perfect for starting out your business as it doesn’t encourage you to get carried away with different effects, colours etc which could lead to an unprofessional looking card. Once you have chosen your desired template you can then start editing them to make them relevant to you. Here you can change the information on the cards, fonts, font size, layout etc. If you have chosen a card that has a photo on the other side this is when you can also choose which photos you want on them as well- some of the templates allow you to have a certain amount of different photos on each card, however some will only let you design them with one photo for every card. Here are mine below as an example:

The back of the card

The back of the card

front of card

front of card

front of card

front of card

front of card

front of card

I’m really excited to get these business cards and to see if they help me with gaining contacts and net working in the future. I’m sure as time goes on I will change and adapt my business cards to suit my brand at the time; but for now I hope these cards will suit me nicely for the upcoming future.