Setting up a business: Calculating a day rate

Below I have attached my spread sheet which shows examples of how I would theoretically set up a day rate as a working free lance photographer. I feel as though these spreadsheets are quite self explanatory; you simply enter all the relevant information, whether that be about your photographic equipment, personal bills, business equipment, housing/living costs etc. Then from that you can calculate what you would need to charge people in order to cover all the costs of you and your business.

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Here you can see that hypothetically I would need to charge £200 as my day rate, £120 as my half day rate and £75 for a 1-2 hour job. If I did charge this then technically I should be able to pay for everything I need to with no issues at all. However, as always business, especially photographic business, is not always steady and certain, so some months you may have a lot of jobs and other months you may not which means your income may change monthly. This is just something you should be aware of as a freelancer and also be prepared for as you may need to adjust your out going payments to fit in with your income.