Celine Marchbank

We recently had Celine Marchbank come and visit to give a tutorial and lecture. Marchbank is a documentary/art photographer who also does commercial work for extra money. However, Marchbank was once a graphic designer before she decided to do an MA in photography. During her MA was when Marchbank started her well known project called ‘Tulip’ based on the stage 4 terminal brain and lung cancer her mother had been diagnosed with. As Marchbank tearfully flicked through the power point she mentions the strength of her family as they decided the project as something they could all look back on after her mother got better, even though they knew her diagnosis was terminal- here is where the project turned into a memorial. Marchbank then went onto describe how she wanted to capture the personal memories, in particular the flowers as they were always a strong theme in their house, as they ere her mothers favourite, in particular tulips- hence the name of the project. Additionally, food symbolised a lot toads the end of her other life, as her mother was a passionate chef.


This project did not end after her mother’s death as Marchbank wanted to document life after a death, in particular the death of a mother. 5 years after the book had been developed Marchbank realised she wanted to celebrate her mother and her mother’s life.


Soon after ‘Tulip’ Marchbank began to develop a book called ‘A Stranger in My Mother’s Kitchen’ - the stranger in this case being grief. This book has a very different atmosphere to ‘Tulip’ as it tarted wen Marchbank found all of her Mother’s old recipes and cooked and photographed them as a way to deal with grief.


It was so lovely to hear Celine talk so passionately about her very personal projects as it showed the great respect she has towards her family life and her art form and the link she has been able to tie between the two. Furthermore, hearing Celine give feedback to me personally about my last project was a great privilege, as I really respect her as an artist.